BlogCentral: Sleepless in the South

Adventures in anesthesiology: True tales from Beersheba's Soroka hospital.

yawning lion 88 (photo credit: )
yawning lion 88
(photo credit: )
Fun with students Among the many duties of a physician in a university hospital, is teaching. The main task is to teach medical students in their clinical rotation. I'm reminded of the old television series based on the movie, "The Paper Chase". The crusty old professor declares that the first year law students "come in with minds full of mush, and go out thinking like lawyers" (this is said in a very dramatic Boston Brahman inflection). During the anesthesia rotation of two weeks, we try to make sense out of the tremendous amount of pre-clinical knowledge regarding physiology, disease processes, pharmacology etc, which creates a very thick muck in the gray matter of a typical student's brain. This muck we then turn into clinically relevant information. Often, the students comment, surprised, that they didn't know that anesthesiology was such a complex field. Read the rest of this blog »
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