Beit Avi Chai launches online Shavuot learning initiative

"Challenging times also provide new opportunities," explained Beit Avi Chai CEO Dr. David Rozenson.

Beit Avi Chai's Shavuot Initiative (photo credit: Courtesy)
Beit Avi Chai's Shavuot Initiative
(photo credit: Courtesy)
For over a decade, Shavuot Night Learning at Jerusalem’s Beit Avi Chai was an annual tradition. Representing diverse segments and age groups, thousands of people were drawn each year to participate in an-all night program of classes, lectures and workshops in different areas of Jewish study and thought given by a host of educators and speakers.
Due to the current regulations limiting the number of people who can gather, this Shavuot – which starts Thursday night - Beit Avi Chai is launching a new initiative that hopes to reach even larger audiences with more classes, workshops, themes and educators. 
On Monday, Beit Avi Chai launched a dedicated Shavuot Web Page with over 35 classes and lectures, in Hebrew and English, geared to older audiences as well as a special section for youth and young adults. 
"Challenging times also provide new opportunities," explained Beit Avi Chai CEO Dr. David Rozenson. "Our new online initiative creates educational tools in many different areas of Jewish study and thought to enable large and diverse audiences to bring Shavuot study home. It is an ambitious endeavor but one that we hope will succeed in creating a special experience of Jewish learning Shavuot for many." 
Some of the classes are taught by: Dr. Avivah Zornberg, Prof. Isaiah Gafni, Prof. Moshe Rosman, Dr. Tova Ganzel and Dr. Asael Abelman, Amit Segal, Prof. Avigdor Shinan, Dr. Michal Tikochinsky, Dr. Tomer Persico, Emunah Elon and more.