KKL-JNF to Build Rest Stops along Israel’s Highway 90

As part of national efforts to prevent fatal car accidents on Highway 90, KKL-JNF will build rest stops along the southern section of the road.

Lookout by Road 90 near Moshav Hatzeva (photo credit: YOAV DEVIR KKL-JNF)
Lookout by Road 90 near Moshav Hatzeva
(photo credit: YOAV DEVIR KKL-JNF)

Highway 90, which traverses all of Israel, connects between the Eilat-Taba border crossing in the south and Tiberius in the north. It is the central road for anyone travelling to Eilat and back. Serious car accidents, many of them fatal, take place on the highway’s southern section each year. Recently, representatives from KKL-JNF, the Central Arava Regional Council and the National Roads Authority visited the highway section between the Arava junction and Eilat in order to determine where to build rest stops.


Leading the delegation were KKL-JNF Southern Region Director Daniel Gigi and Central Arava Regional Council Head Dr. Eyal Bloom. To date, four rest spots have been chosen, all in central sites along this section of highway.


”As part of our commitment to tourism and community development in southern Israel, we took upon ourselves to find a feasible solution for local residents and visitors who travel on Highway 90,” said Daniel Gigi.


“In order to lessen the number of accidents that take place on this road, we consulted with experts and decided, together with the Regional Council, to create rest stops for refreshment along the road. Over the next few weeks, KKL-JNF teams will go out into the field and begin plans for the new rest stops and the upgrading of already existing ones. It is my fervent hope that in this way, we will contribute to the safety of the drivers and the decrease of traffic accidents.”