Hundreds of new olim arrive in Israel since October 7

In total, Nefesh B’Nefesh recorded 3,020 new olim throughout 2023 from North America.

KKL-JNF Board visits communities in Gaza envelope

Heads of local authorities: “KKL- JNF was the first to stand by our side."

KKL-Jewish National Fund mobilizes for the residents of the south

KKL-JNF has launched a fundraising campaign in cooperation with KKL-JNF organizations worldwide to raise funds for essential needs to strengthen the periphery in the south

Celebrating Zionism’s big, bold, and visionary young leaders

Our young leaders are more energized than ever – yet they want a seat at the table, and they want it now. 


Israeli summer camps to shatter records in number of participants

An unprecedented number of Israeli youth will experience Israel's forests this summer.

Michael Oren to address Jewish National Fund's Global Conference for Israel

The JNF's Global Conference for Israel will be held in Denver, Colorado from November 30 to December 3, 2023.

Creating joy from 'oy': The Zionist approach to overcoming challenges - opinion

Zionism’s old-new centripetal liberalism is still open, democratic, tolerant, individualistic. But it is also communitarian, traditional, family-oriented, meaning-making and soul-stretching.


Envoys dig down at Jerusalem tree planting for Israel's 75th birthday

“As a tree people, as tree lovers, we can give a little bit also to Israel for its birthday,” Estonia's deputy ambassador Liina Viies said.

Cranes in Israel's Hula Valley set to migrate north to nesting grounds

During the spring, migration hormones manifest in migratory birds like cranes, which impact their behavior, signaling that the migration time is approaching.

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