At present, 1,123 Israelis are waiting for an organ transplant. Of these, 35 are children.
By JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICHhuman heart 88(photo credit: )
The nation's largest-ever organ donor campaign starts Wednesday and will continue for the rest of the month.
Israel Transplant and ADI, the national registry of potential organ donors, hope to significantly increase the rate of registration beyond the current seven percent of the population. There was an 84% increase in registration in 2006, with 341,267 listed as willing to donate organs after their deaths.
The Education Ministry has decided to encourage 200,000 11th and 12th graders to sign up at least one person each. Education Minister Yuli Tamir sent a letter to teachers asking for their help in the campaign.
One thousand Israeli Rotary Club volunteers have committed themselves to sign up 10 people each for the ADI registry, whose phone number is 1-800-609-610 and whose Web site can be viewed at Those interested can also dial *6262 from any cellular or Bezeq phone.
The IDF is also participating, with every discharged soldier to receive a kit with a postcard for registration with ADI.
ADI stands are being set up this month at Azrieli shopping centers around the country. Aroma cafes will distribute a coupon providing a free cup of coffee to whoever registers.
Israel Transplant said that in 2006, 292 organs (often more than one organ from each deceased donor) were donated for transplant, compared to 276 in the previous year. A total of 278 lifesaving transplants were performed in the year just ended compared to 258 year earlier.
At present, 1,123 Israelis are waiting for an organ transplant. Of these, 35 are children.