11 irresistible summertime recipes

Spice up your summer with these sweet and savory Israeli recipes.

Bruschetta with tomatoes, basil and salty cheese (photo credit: PASCALE PEREZ-RUBIN)
Bruschetta with tomatoes, basil and salty cheese
(photo credit: PASCALE PEREZ-RUBIN)
Enjoy these unique and authentic Israeli-style summertime recipes, and share your own to be featured in an upcoming article at jpsot.com.
Savory Summer Salad
Enjoy a fresh salad from Thai cuisine with a flavorful Israeli twist | Read More...
Just Veggies from Pascale's Kitchen
Refreshing recipes for any omnivore or carnivore to get all the nutrients they need | Read More...
Sweet Summertime Strawberry Dessert
Israeli chef Alon Lysy's recipe for Strawberry Caramel Tarts | Read More...
Summer Snacking Made Easy
Enjoy these four unique ways to enjoy bruschetta and crostini | Read More...
Summer fun in the Kitchen via JPost Premium
The warm weather means it's time to switch up your go-to sweet-treat recipes | Read More...
Have your own recipe that you'd like to share with JPost readers? Follow the steps below and you could be featured in an upcoming JPost article!
1. Prepare a list of ingredients and step-by-step cooking instructions for your recipe.
2. CLICK HERE to send in an email to The Jerusalem Post
3. Check back at jpost.com to see if your recipe was selected to be shared with other readers