Jerusalem sends out music trucks to cheer up residents under lockdown

All the performances took place according to Health Ministry regulations.

Hatikva 6 and Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion thank healthcare workers with mobile stage (photo credit: JERUSALEM MUNICIPALITY)
Hatikva 6 and Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion thank healthcare workers with mobile stage
In the past few weeks, the Jerusalem Municipality began sending mobile stages throughout the city in an attempt to cheer up residents who are currently under lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak.
"We are in a challenging situation and are making great efforts to make it easier as much as we can for residents of the city," said Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion. "Raising morale through mobile stages, music and artists is an important and joyous part. Mutual assistance, helping out one another, and a whole municipality is standing by you. I promise that we all will get through this period together and successfully."
Earlier this week, Lion and Israeli band Hatikva 6 brought a mobile stage to hospitals around the city and the local Magen David Adom center to thank healthcare workers taking part in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak.
All the performances took place according to Health Ministry regulations, according to the municipality.
Other cities throughout Israel – including Modi'in, Petah Tikva and Rehovot – have organized similar mobile stages.