Housing found for 250 Gush Katif families

Temporary housing solutions have been found for most of the 250 families of Gush Katif evacuees still homeless. Kfar Darom evacuees living in the Paradise Hotel in Beersheba are set to move to an apartment complex in Ashkelon within two weeks, Israel Radio reported. A group of 70 families living in Jerusalem hotels will move to Nitzan housing in the coming weeks, and another 60 families will relocate to Ein Tzurim. The Elei Sinai families who had been living in a tent camp at the Yad Mordechai junction were awaiting a decision from Kibbutz Palmachim as to whether they were welcome there. Ex-Atzmona residents who have been staying in tents near Netivot are now planning to move to Kibbutz Shomriya; the families there will go to the nearby kibbutzim of Gvir and Lahab.