The Israel Factor: The complete statistics

December: The panel's prediction for the Jewish vote in 2012 feel about the Tea Party? What will be the Obama's administration next move?

Israelfactor 311 (photo credit: Courtesy)
Israelfactor 311
(photo credit: Courtesy)
1. From 1 (bad for Israel) to 10 (good for Israel): Generally speaking, please rate the following people and institutions:



2. On scale of 1 (unlikely) to 5 (very likely): What of the following moves do you expect the Obama team to pursue in the next couple of months:

3. Looking at the outcome of the midterm elections through Israeli lenses, please rank each of the following institutions on scale of 1 (failure in the midterms), to 5 (success in the midterms). Remember, our goal here is not to get your thoughts on the mentioned institutions, but rather your assessment of their ability to meet their priorities and goals.

4. Please rank the same institutions on scale of “the midterms made them much weaker” (1) to “the midterms made them much stronger” (5) – 3 means it didn’t make much difference.


5. How positive for Israel is each of the following outcomes of midterm 2010 – from 1 (not at all positive) to 5 (very positive)*:


6. The exact way the Jewish vote was distributed in 2010 is not known and is being debated. From what you hear and what you know, please rank the following items on scale of 1 (very unlikely) to 5 (very likely)*:



7. Looking ahead for 2012 – please rate the following possible Presidential candidates on scale of 1 (bad for Israel) to 10 (good for Israel)**:

* Not all members of the panel responded to these questions.
** For two panelists the numbers used were identical to the ones used in the Nov. survey.