Starcatcher: Astrology for the week of November 26

Who should look for a new job, and is this a good week to start a new relationship?

astrology (photo credit: yael yitzchaki)
(photo credit: yael yitzchaki)
TIP FOR THE WEEK: Your energy comes in spurts this week, so pace yourself.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! This is a great week for getting things done. You have the ideas and the energy. All you need to do is find the time. Before making a decision, take a step back in order to see the big picture. Once you have all the pieces in place, make your move. It is true that you are a very busy person, but not too busy to pick up a phone. You know who is waiting to hear from you. HINT: Think twice before making any major changes in your home.
This is a good time for taking a step back and looking at the larger picture. You know what you want and may even know what you need to achieve your goals. All that is left is timing. In the weeks to come you will find it difficult to remain indifferent when faced with the incompetency of fellow co-workers. Don’t worry, many feel as you do and soon the truth will surface. HINT: Problems with plumbing, electrical appliances or even your computer may be aggravating and expensive.
 Professionally, you are well liked and respected and this is a perfect time for reaching out and making new friends. You have so much to offer and your great sense of justice and fair play make you a valuable member of any team. Your future plans are not yet formalized but as the weeks go by you are beginning to get a firmer idea of jus what exactly you want to do. HINT: Time spent with family is always enjoyable and this weekend is no exception.
Your career and reputation are on your mind and this is the time for consolidating projects and reaching out to work with someone you totally trust and respect. Together you will be able to accomplish much more than you could ever do on your own. You have a great deal of patience for both the very young and the elderly and this is the week for doing something special for a Libra you know. HINT: Financially, your situation is much improved and now is the time for putting some money aside.
You continue to find it difficult separating from the intrigues and plotting of a family member. The father away you are from this person, the better. In the coming weeks you will be made an offer which will be difficult to refuse. Talk it over with your partner and/or mate before committing yourself. A simple discussion with a fire sign could turn into a heated argument, if you are not careful. HINT: Pay attention to where you leave your wallet and keys this Friday.
Things are looking up as you begin to feel much more optimistic this week. You are surrounded by warm family, good friends and colleagues who respect you. You still have a lot to do before you reach your goals, but for now you are pleased with yourself and the path you have taken. Be prepared to answer delicate questions concerning family property and finances. HINT: Take the time this weekend to rest and recharge.
MAY 21-JUNE 21
This is the week for working on any project that demands patience and paying attention to details. When you feel you can’t cope, turn to someone you trust and hand the job over to them for a few hours. You are working on a deadline and the clock is ticking. Professionally you have the opportunity now to tie off loose ends and take a leap forward. HINT: A conversation with your partner and/or mate cannot be postponed or avoided.
You enjoy spending time at home with family and friends and this is the week for inviting those you love to share a special meal. For the past few weeks you have been working long hours and although you enjoy the work and the people you come into contact with you are definitely going to have to learn how to relax once the door is shut and everyone has gone. HINT: This is a great week for working on a creative project, for joining a gym or pool and for watching your weight,
You look forward to spending time with a sibling who lives far away. Together you are an unbeatable team. Although you continue working overtime and don’t have many extra hours left over at the end of the day, you can, however, still work on a personal project which is close to your heart. A half hour’s work, every day, will do wonders. HINT: Remember, before you make a promise, you must be prepared to keep it.
Some things simply cannot be avoided and this week you are going to have to come to terms with the fact that you are not as much in control of your life as you wish. Your need for perfection has pushed a wedge between yourself and someone you honestly care for and it is doubtful whether the damage can be repaired. HINT: Money and finances are not your prime concern, but you should keep constant tabs on your bank balance.
By trying to keep everyone happy, you have managed to put yourself into a corner. Take some time to discover what went wrong and then begin rectifying the situation. In the meantime do what is necessary to put your own name first on your list. Once you are safe and secure, everyone around you will be too. HINT: Your powers of communication and persuasion are high right now and this is the time to make a move which will help you advance professionally.
You are torn between the things you want to do and the things you have to do. Next time check your calendar before committing to a long-term project. A conversation with a fire sign is just what you need in order to get a different perspective on things. Pay careful attention, and if necessary, take notes.  Money and financial matters need attending to. HINT: The middle portion of this week will be spent entertaining and being entertained.