Games: Trivia Test

What type of newspaper gets its name from what a London pharmaceutical company called its compressed pills?

newspapers_521 (photo credit: Reuters)
(photo credit: Reuters)
1. K Street in Washington, DC, which is appropriately not far from the government, is home to several offices of what “influential” industry?
2. On what festive day did the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen discover the remote Pacific island of Rapa Nui in 1722?
3. A lazaretto, which can be an isolated island or a ship at anchor near a harbor, is used for what purpose for maritime travelers?
4. The sword Joyeuse in the Louvre belonged to which person whose empire united most of Western Europe for the first time since the Romans?
5. Princess Irene, Carnaval de Nice, Hollandia and Blue Parrot are some of the varieties of what spring beauties?
6. Milford Sound in Fiordland National Park, once judged the world’s top travel destination, is in which country?
7. What type of newspaper that usually carries off-beat stories gets its name from what a London pharmaceutical company called its compressed pills?
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