Star Catcher Astrology for the week of July 7, 2017

TIP FOR THE WEEK: Plan big – you can do it!

Deep space bright nebula (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Deep space bright nebula
(photo credit: INGIMAGE) •
CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22-JULY 22 Over the weekend you will feel a new and positive connection between yourself and your partner or mate.
With less drama surrounding you, you are happy to relax comfortably and enjoy each other’s company. Use the burst of energy you are feeling to deal with some personal business this week.
You are ready and actually excited to begin this creative phase. Not everyone understands your vision, so try not to be discouraged by an uneducated bit of advice you receive from a friend. HINT: Money and financial matters are always at the back of your mind, but you are dealing with them as best as you can, so relax.
LEO (FIRE) JULY 23-AUGUST 22 Try not to let unfinished business from your past influence you now. Let it go and focus instead on what makes you personally happy. This is a good week to finally tackle a project you have been considering for quite some time. You will have both the time and quiet emotional space that has been sorely lacking over the past few weeks. Monday and Tuesday are days for working as a team member, rather than going solo, so plan accordingly. Financially all will be well now that you are cutting back a bit more.
HINT: Spend some time with a water sign – this person always has a calming effect.
VIRGO (EARTH) AUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22 For the first couple of days this week try to relax and take better care of yourself.
Forging ahead as if you were still a teenager doesn’t work anymore. What you need to do is find some balance, so plan a meeting with a Libra you are close to. Balance is their middle name. Financially you are rather proud of yourself as well you should be. Now, open your purse and start spending for a change.
HINT: Toward the end of the week you will have to deal with family matters which are rather sensitive, and need to be kept inside the family.
Everything is moving in the right direction – not to worry.
LIBRA (AIR) SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 23 The time has come when you can take a few days off from your busy schedule to simply relax surrounded by close family and dear friends. You are an excellent host and this weekend is a perfect time to get the charcoal burning and invite everyone over for a barbecue. Although financially things are better than you had anticipated, you are still very aware of your situation and have no intention of sliding back to where you were a year ago.
HINT: The last few days of this week are rather hazy, so tune in to your intuition when looking for answers.
SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24-NOVEMBER 21 Friday and Saturday are days for family, so leave your work at the office.
This is also a good time for reaching out to a Capricorn and setting up a meeting for the coming days. A new business opportunity is possible. Take some time this week to tie up loose ends that for far too long have been waiting for your attention. Soon you will be too busy and won’t have the patience to deal with all the little details.
Trust your intuition when working on a project which demands a little more creativity and depth than you are accustomed to.
HINT: Financially you are tired of counting pennies.
SAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22-DECEMBER 21 You have more strength than you imagined and more friends than you hoped for. All your hard work will bear fruit, so stay positive and strong. The lessons you have learned from the past will never be forgotten but you do not have to spend the rest of your life feeling sorry or guilty. The last few days of this week are perfect for taking a break and relaxing more at home. Your family and friends have been concerned watching how hard you have been working and are happy to see you take a break.
HINT: Financially all will be well.
Faith, not fear!
CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19 Little bumps along the way only remind you of how far you have come and how much stronger you are now. Professionally you know your worth and will not compromise in order to please others. And, on a personal level, you continue to be surrounded by people you not only care for but respect. Take some time off this week to put your feet up and get some much-needed rest. It has been a challenging year, but a very worthwhile one. Financially, have no doubt that all your hard work and planning continues to prove that you know what you are doing. HINT: The last few days of this week are perfect for connecting with a sibling.
AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18 This is a good time for pushing forward with plans to advance in your career.
It may take more time than you had originally planned to fall into place, but the end result will make it well worthwhile.
Time spent together with an earth sign will help you to see things from a much different perspective.
Together you make a powerful team.
Financially all is as expected with no unusual surprises in the near future.
HINT: Your relationship with a water sign continues to grow stronger as you enjoy learning and sharing ideas.
PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20 You have much more free time now and can use the rest.
The past year has been overloaded with both physical and emotional situations which have taken their toll.
However, you have come through much stronger and actually more peaceful. Use this time to work on a project which brings you personal satisfaction through stimulating your creative abilities. Financially you are doing well and have more money than you had anticipated.
When in doubt get the opinion of an expert or two before making any serious financial commitments.
HINT: A conversation with a Cancer will put a smile in your heart.
ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21-APRIL 19 This is the week for meetings and social functions which could have a very positive affect on your career, so don’t hesitate to accept those invitations. When speaking to a water sign keep your mind from wandering. Although this person is more emotional than you are comfortable with, their advice is rock solid. There is still enough time for you to make plans to visit a country you have always wanted to see. You will have the time and the money necessary.
HINT: The last few days of this week may find you thinking of someone from your past. Good memories are always welcome.
TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20 The first portion of this week you will be busy with solidifying plans and making arrangements together with another earth sign.
You complement each other as each of you has different responsibilities and is responsible for your own portion of the work. At the end of the day you make a formidable and enviable team. Set aside a portion of this week for socializing and meeting with old and dear friends.
HINT: Financially you continue to watch your situation carefully, but so far have managed to not only stay within your budget, but also to have money for travel and entertainment
GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21-JUNE 21 Your mind sometimes works faster than your mouth and you end up saying too much without any introduction.
The end result could be disastrous as you inadvertently hurt the feelings of someone you care about. Your apology is acceptable, but may not quite be enough. The latter portion of this week is good for working on your career and taking care of any odd ends that have been ignored. Financially you still need to watch out for any unnecessary spending.
HINT: When asked to speak in front of a group of colleagues, make certain you have all the facts and, just to be sure, bring your notes along.