Israeli Government Budget

Smotrich unfreezes funds for Israeli Arabs after security chiefs meeting

As part of the agreement reached, the funds will be transferred from the Finance Ministry to the Interior Ministry, which will then allocate and move the funds over to Arab local councils.

Pensioners and volunteers won’t save education - opinion

The system is unable to support its teachers to cope with the cost of living, and with the growing challenges in educating Israeli children.


How does Israel's new gov't budget impact your taxes?

Below is a review of some income tax and VAT measures thanks to the new Israeli government budget.


A problematic gov't legislation comes a flood of bills by coalition MKs - opinion

It might well be that five months is too short a period to determine whether the threat to democracy will be realized.

An economy lacking bread will also have no Torah - opinion

The less economic ability Israel’s citizens have, the greater the harm to the State of Israel – and that is without even addressing the issue of risk-averse investors.

After passing the budget, ensuing stability will pay off - opinion

With a two-year budget in place, the government can now focus on its main goals: Preventing a nuclear Iran, expanding peace in the Middle East and driving economic growth.


The dysfunctional government could stumble along until 2024 - opinion

The moment the dye was cast and the 2023-2024 budget turned into law, it became clear that our largely dysfunctional government could continue to stumble on.

Has Israel's business sector stopped growing?

The Melnick State Index reveals stagnation in Israeli business sector growth and signals economic concerns for the future.

Israel's new budget is illegitimate, undemocratic, NGO petitions to High Court

The budget’s passage is seen as a triumph for PM Benjamin Netanyahu, who managed to overcome various coalition members’ budgetary demands and ultimatums.


After the budget hurdle, is it smooth sailing for the government? - analysis

While the budget's economic implications will play out in the future, what is clear is that Netanyahu has succeeded in righting the ship that is his coalition.

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