
Israeli minister addresses convention hosted by Spanish far-right party with neo-Nazi ties

In Spain, Vox is controversial both for its platform, which includes restricting abortion access and domestic violence laws and shuttering the ministry of equality, and for a history of neo-Nazis.


Police in Rouen, France, shoot and kill man who set fire to a synagogue

French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, who is of Jewish descent, said this month that there were 366 antisemitic incidents in France in the first three months of this year, a 300% increase.


Slovak PM Robert Fico shot and wounded, no longer in a life-threatening condition

An assasination attempt was carried out on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, a Slovak interior ministry spokesperson confirmed to Reuters by telephone.


Hezbollah seeks to use Syrian refugees to create crisis with Europe

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said on May 13 that Lebanon should open its maritime borders so that Syrians who live in Lebanon can board boats heading to Europe.

Discovery of 17th century coins may prove legend of infamous Polish conman actually true

According to local legend, conman Anthony Jaczewicz pretended to have healing powers to trick the people of Poland during a deadly plague.

What anti-Israel feeling? Europe's public vote shines for Eden Golan at Eurovision

The Eurovision Song Contest, which took place on Saturday night, likewise attracted such negative attention over Israel’s participation.

 Eden Golan, Israel's participant in the Eurovision competition arrives to the airport

Eden Golan lands in Israel after coming in fifth at Eurovision

“It's a great honor to be here and that I had the opportunity to represent our country, especially in these times,” Golan said upon landing.

EU staff members protest Israel's war in Gaza

Protesters laid three rolled-up white sheets with red stains on them on the square outside the European Commission's head office in the Belgian capital.


An anti-Israel media is nothing new: A walk through Western cartoons

These cartoons are from 1988, when Shimon Peres was the alternate PM and FM, Yitzhak Rabin was the defense minister, and Yitzhak Navon was the education and culture minister (all of the Labor gov't).

World leaders tackle antisemitism at Global Forum in Azerbaijan

There was a 235% increase in antisemitic incidents in 2023 compared to the previous year.

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