Haredi draft

  (L-R) A-G Gali Baharav-Miara, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Ministers approve Netanyahu proposal to adapt 2022 haredi conscription law

Attorney General: Not relevant to today's reality, lacks 'factual professional foundations'

Netanyahu needs to make a proper decision on haredi draft

Netanyahu: Stop playing tricks and get the job done; get Israel what it needs: people on the ground.

 An IDF soldier is seen wearing a Jewish tzitzit while carrying a weapon in Jerusalem, May 13, 2024

Netanyahu proposes to promote Lapid-Bennett haredi conscription bill

Benny Gantz criticized the decision, calling it "a political maneuver" that is irrelevant to the reality after October 7. Lapid

Politicians clash over haredi conscription ahead of Thursday deadline

Negotiations have been ongoing in recent weeks between Government Secretary Yossi Fuchs and representatives of Israel's haredi parties in an attempt to reach a compromise.

The ex-haredi journalist who spent a year researching Mea She'arim

'We have to look at each other and be able to recognize that we’re ein mishpocha, we’re one family,' Tenenbom says.


Gov't, attorney general clash over haredi IDF enlistment

Gov't continuing judicial reform by disregarding binding legal opinion, attorney general says

Sephardi chief rabbi: Success of air defense is due to yeshivas, not the IDF

The Sephardi chief rabbi complained about hesder yeshiva leaders who had criticized his comments about the IDF.


Can Israel's ultra-Orthodox IDF volunteers help defuse battle over haredi draft?

"But honestly, we aren't able to serve in the military. Because, without Torah, a Jewish community would not exist," he said. "And I believe that Torah protects us even more than the military."


'No moral option' to continue blanket IDF exemption, haredi minister says

Attorney General: Government has yet to put forward a new plan.

'No moral option' to continue blanket IDF exemption, haredi minister says

Arbel added that there were 1,500 men in every haredi age-group who could be drafted immediately, and "who must be part of those carrying the burden."

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