
Poland, officially the Republic of Poland, is a country located in Central Europe, covering an area of 312,696 km of land. It has a population of nearly 38.5 million people. The capital of Poland is Warsaw, and other major cities include Krakow, Lodz, and Gdansk.

90% of people in Poland identify as Christian, with 6% of people saying they do not identify with any religion, 3% choosing not to answer and only 1% of people belonging to various other religions.

Poland was once home to over 3 million Jews, 90% of whom were killed in the Holocaust, along with another 1.8-2.8 million ethnic Poles. After the war, the Soviet Union instituted a new communist government in Poland which ruled from 1947-1989.

Today, Poland is a developed market and is the sixth-largest economy in the European Union, of which it is a member. 

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Discovery of 17th century coins may prove legend of infamous Polish conman actually true

According to local legend, conman Anthony Jaczewicz pretended to have healing powers to trick the people of Poland during a deadly plague.

'With Many Miracles': Israel Cappell’s miraculous story of survival

Israel Cappell details his remarkable survival in Nazi-occupied Europe.

Jewish tennis star Diego Schwartzman announces retirement at 31, ranking 142

Diego Schwartzman, renowned Jewish tennis player, announced his retirement post-Argentina Open 2025. His career highlights, Jewish identity, and impact remembered fondly.


Uniting against antisemitism: University leaders march for Holocaust Remembrance Day

The International March of the Living brings together university leaders to combat antisemitism, educate on Holocaust history, and honor its survivors.

Discovery of mutilated corpses under Goering's home in Nazi HQ in Poland, prompts investigation

The bodies were found beneath some pipes under the floorboards of Herman Goering's house in the Wolf's Lair, naked, without clothing or jewelry.

Bottle with flammable liquids thrown at Warsaw synagogue, Polish police reports

An unidentified individual threw a bottle with flammable liquids at a synagogue in Warsaw, sparking condemnation from Polish leaders; no injuries reported.


Postcards looted from Jews by German soldier returned by granddaughter 80 years later

Nine years after his death, when McCabe was 18, she inherited part of his proud stamp collection.


Holocaust survivor teams up with Polish artist for new exhibit

The Life After All exhibition is getting a reprise here at the President Hotel Gallery in Jerusalem.


Pro-Palestinian demonstrator is removed from Warsaw Ghetto Uprising commemoration in Poland

During the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising ceremony, a lone protester briefly displayed a Palestinian flag, amid global pro-Palestinian sentiment and diplomatic tensions.


Gaza war leaves European perceptions of Israel unchanged, survey finds

Despite widespread media coverage and public demonstrations, the survey found that the majority of respondents in four European countries did not react actively to the conflict.

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