
Poland, officially the Republic of Poland, is a country located in Central Europe, covering an area of 312,696 km of land. It has a population of nearly 38.5 million people. The capital of Poland is Warsaw, and other major cities include Krakow, Lodz, and Gdansk.

90% of people in Poland identify as Christian, with 6% of people saying they do not identify with any religion, 3% choosing not to answer and only 1% of people belonging to various other religions.

Poland was once home to over 3 million Jews, 90% of whom were killed in the Holocaust, along with another 1.8-2.8 million ethnic Poles. After the war, the Soviet Union instituted a new communist government in Poland which ruled from 1947-1989.

Today, Poland is a developed market and is the sixth-largest economy in the European Union, of which it is a member. 

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Vilna Ghetto teenager's diary during the Holocaust to be focus in new online exhibit by YIVO

YIVO said the diary provides “intimate insights into daily life, cultural resistance, and moral choices faced by those in the ghetto."

Workers uncover remains of a synagogue destroyed by Nazis in Poland

"We knew there was a synagogue there, but we didn't know if something was preserved underground since nothing was showing above ground," Polish historian Sebastian Rakowski said.

How the Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow wins hearts and minds

On the site of such horror just decades ago, swarthy Middle Eastern Jews, youthful Ashkenazi Americans, and, yes, blonde-haired, blue-eyed Poles came together to celebrate Jewish culture.


Jewish leader bashes former PM's denial of Poland's Holocaust role

"I say to the former Prime Minister: You cannot control the past. You must live with it, and learn from it. Go and learn,” Menachem Margolin of the European Jewish Association said.

Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki

Germans alone responsible for Holocaust, no Polish involvement - Former Polish PM says

Morawiecki's statements on the Holocaust, particularly his 2018 remarks suggesting multiple nationalities, including Jews, were perpetrators, sparked significant backlash.

U. Haifa debuts art exhibit depicting Polish Jewry pre-Holocaust by Arthur Szyk

Israelis will greatly benefit from seeing Arthur Szyk’s artwork at the University of Haifa.

 An AI-made illustrative image of leaning towers.

Top 10 tilted sites to visit that aren't Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa isn't the only one of its kind. Here are 10 other towers that fit the description, too.

'Treasure': Julia von Heinz's film on Holocaust trauma

Treasure is a very particular story that will evoke universal emotions in audiences.

Israeli director tackles film about a class trip to Poland

Saban said that the toughest task for him was to put aside his perspective as an adult and recapture the feeling of what it was like to be in Poland and at the death camps at age 17. 

The silent shelves speak volumes: Chachmei Lublin’s lost library

When the Nazis took over the city a few weeks after the outbreak of World War II, in September 1939, this priceless treasure trove of Jewish knowledge fell into German hands.

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