French Olim to receive assistance in understanding their rights

Kelita, the umbrella organization of French immigrants in Israel, is set to host a fair that will help French Olim gain a clearer understanding of their rights as new immigrants.

French-Jewish olim arriving in Tel Aviv, July 19 2017. (photo credit: THE INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN AND JEWS)
French-Jewish olim arriving in Tel Aviv, July 19 2017.
A special fair organized by the "Kelita" association in Jerusalem will help French immigrants understand their rights and the various places that can give them assistance as new immigrants to Israel.
The fair will operate on two dates, June 24 and July 4 and will cater specifically to French immigrants currently living in Jerusalem in in the surrounded areas.
Kelita, the umbrella organization of French immigrants in Israel, will host the fair between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at their Jerusalem building on both days.
The new immigrants attending the fair will be able to learn about a variety of programs that can assist them in the relevant fields. 
Represented at the fair will be programs aiming to help the new immigrants find employment as well as psychological social assistance for children and youth offered by Kav LaNoar, the "Kelitim" program which aims to connect Israelis and veteran immigrants who want to help new immigrants who are experiencing difficulties in adjusting to the country.
CEO of Kelita Ariel Kendall stated that his organization works "on a daily basis to improve the absorption process of immigrants in Israel in general, and to assist in the absorption of immigrants living in Jerusalem in particular. Immigrants from France face many adaptation challenges, which of course increased after the Corona crisis."
"Many of them are interested in receiving help, but are not aware of the options available to them and do not know that they can be used. Therefore, we have initiated the special fair, and we hope that it will expose to as many immigrants as possible the resources available to them," he concluded