Arts In Brief: Yemei Zemer makes 15

Aslo, Jerusalem turns into Berlin for a night in a new line of exotic, travel-themed events.

jerusalem airlines 311 (photo credit: Courtesy)
jerusalem airlines 311
(photo credit: Courtesy)
Yemei Zemer makes 15
The annual Yemei Zemer festival will kick off at the Holon Theater onMarch 31. As usual, the event covers wide cultural and artistic terrainwith a couple of tribute slots thrown in for good measure.
Over four days there will be no less than 20 shows covering pop, rockand Mediterranean music. There is also a strong retro element to thisyear's festival, with a tribute to the late legendary songsmith SashaArgov, to mark the 15th anniversary of his death, and there will be aLifetime Achievement Award to Shimrit Or. Other throwback shows includea tribute to veteran crooner Boaz Sharabi and a musical salute to lateacclaimed playwright Hanoch Levin.
The program also leaves room for a tribute of a more local nature witha show that marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of Holon. Theshow will feature numerous artists, from a range of discipline, whohail from the city. The star roster features several generations ofartists, including Holon-born singer-songwriter Shlomi Shaban, AlonOlearchik, Yoni Rechter, Sasi Keshet, Ben Artzi, Ephraim Shamir andMeir Banai.
For more information:
• Barry Davis
J'lem turns into Berlin for one night
Last night, Jerusalem's Jabotinsky bar shed its everyday decor andturned into partying, cutting-edge Berlin. It was just the first eventin an exciting row of parties which will shake up the capital thisspring.
Artists, decorators and venues have teamed up for a line oftravel-themed events featuring a foreign atmosphere, reduced alcoholprices and an abundance of music from some of the most exotic localeson the map.

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The parties, set take place every Monday, will be spread acrossparticipating bars in the city, including the Mia Bar, Tel Aviv,Constantine and more. Taking off from "Jerusalem Airport," partygoerswill be taken on a journey around the world, from Rome to Marrakesh toMexico City.
Organizers "Awakening in Jerusalem" said in a statement that theinitiative was aimed at "reviving the city center in the middle of theweek and giving students and young Jerusalemites something to do onMondays."
Simple words to describe an experience which is bound to take you far.
The next event takes place on March 8 at the Mia Bar.
• Yifa Yaakov