J'lem art proceeds to help kids [pg. 24]

Prominent Israeli artists including Yoram Ra'anan, Yaakov Agam, Albert Benaroya and Boris Shapiro have donated their work to the third annual Fine Art Exhibit and Sale, taking place during the intervening days of Pessah. Procceds from the sale of their work will be going to Kids4Kids, an organization which brings psychological relief to young victims of terrorism. Among K4K's innovative programs is Digital Storytelling, a form of art therapy in which children - and often parents - create a short, digital film about their experience with terrorism. "We don't only assist direct victims of terrorism," say K4K's director, Yeshara Gold. "We also help children who have been witnesses to terrorist attacks, who while not necessarily physically wounded, are nevertheless candidates for psychological scarring. It's healing for our kids to find their voice." she says. "Terrorism robs a person of feeling in control of their life. D-Stories not only helps a child to find his voice, the artistic process itself is empowering." The exhibition and sale will be held at Machon Roni Building, Bet El Street in the Old City of Jerusalem's Jewish Quarter from April 16 to 18. For more information, please visit www.kidsforkids.net