Top 5 Lag Ba'Omer activities

Whether it’s a bonfire you’re looking for or something altogether different, there is plenty to experience in Jerusalem this Lag Ba’Omer.

Bonfire (photo credit: Thinkstock/Imagebank)
(photo credit: Thinkstock/Imagebank)
1) Nefesh ‘B Nefesh Lag Ba’omer Bonfire
The organization, Nefesh ‘b Nefesh help olim chadashim (new immigrants) with absorption into Israeli society, and one of the ways they do this is by holding social gatherings. This annual bonfire takes place in the foresty area behind the Jerusalem Theater, bordering the German Colony neighbourhood. The bonfire is popular with the young and single Anglo-Saxon crowd of Jerusalem and includes music by the bonfire, roasted marshmallows and lots of socializing. A free beer will be given to the first 100 people and alcohol will also be available on sale.
09/05/12: 21:00 – 23:30Corner Gedud Ha’ivri & Chaf Tet ‘b November Road, Katamon+972-2-659-5800Free
2) Children’s Lag Ba’omer Parade
This countrywide children’s parade is organized by the Jewish organization, Chabad. Jewish children throughout Israel, including in Jerusalem, will march to demonstrate the unity of the Jewish people. The parades begin at different meeting points in Jerusalem, depending on where you live, and are followed by fun activities for children and the whole family like interactive drumming, shows and inflatable rides. Parents are welcome to accompany children.
10/05/12: various places; various times+972-72-277-0100 or +972-250-00770Free
3) Jerusalem AlightFor those who understand Hebrew, this tour brings the story of Lag Ba’omer to life as you walk through the Hareidi and Hassidic neighborhoods in the center of town like Mekor Baruch, Zichron Moshe and Geula. Jerusalem may not have the reputation of Merom on Lag B’Omer, but you’re nonetheless guaranteed to learn a lot, experience vibrant celebrations and have some memorable picture moments along the way.
09/05/12: 20:30+972-2-620-3461NIS 95 per person
4) Free entry to museums
This year Lag Ba’omer co-incides with International Museum Day and the museums in Jerusalem are offering free entry. This makes a great excuse to take refuge from smoky, frenetic bonfires and recharge with a bit of culture before heading out for some more Lag Ba’omer action. The Israel Museum and Museum of Islamic Art, for example, is offering activities for children, and the Bible Lands Museum is offering an intriguing program that focuses on experiencing artefacts through the senses.

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10/05/12: various places; various timesFree
5)    AACI Songs, Stories & Snacks
This event will get children over the age of three in the Lag Ba’omer spirit ahead of time. The event features Lag B’Omer-themed songs and stories brought alive with puppets, and includes snacks for the kids. The event takes place at the premises of the AACI (Association for Americans and Canadians in Israel).
08/05/12: 16:0037 Pierre Koenig Street, Talpiot+972-2-566-1181NIS 25 – NIS 30 is a new online international travel portal offering all the latest information on things to do, places to eat and places to stay in Jerusalem.