Whenever celebrities get married, gossip columnists tend to trumpet the event as the wedding of the year.
By GREER FAY CASHMANmaya buskila 88 298(photo credit: )
IT'S SPLITSVILLE in the land of Israeli celebrities. Whenever celebrities get married, gossip columnists tend to trumpet the event as the wedding of the year. That was also the case with the projected nuptials of super star Maya Buskila and Dudi Melitz, who after a year of courtship announced that they would marry in May of this year. However there were certain frictions in the relationship, and rumors spread that the romance was on its last legs. But each time this happened, Buskila and Melitz would issue denials and tell the press much they loved each other. Early this month, they stopped playing games, cancelled their wedding plans, and finally admitted that they were not made for each other.
THE FAIRY tale romance of Ninette Taib and Ron Danker had not yet reached the wedding planning stage, but the big day seemed to be on the horizon. Like Buskila and Melitz, Taib and Danker initially denied any rifts in their relationship, but just as Ninette Levy (played by Taib) in HaShir Shelanu (Our Song) tells her boyfriend Zohar Lahat (played by Danker) that "it's over," so too the real life couple broke it off.
ALSO RUMORED to be splitting up after a five-year relationship are actress Efrat Boimwald and heartthrob Yehuda Levy. This is not the first time that the word has gone out that their romance is on the rocks, but up till now, they managed to keep it together. How much longer they will remain a couple is anyone's guess. The whisper is that Boimwald packed her bags and left their shared abode in Tel Aviv - but she has allegedly done that before, so there's no saying what the future holds. Perhaps true love will triumph.
SOMETIMES, real though it may be, true love is ephemeral. For instance the relationship that Agam Rodberg had with Tom Avni, was very serious, until it wore off and she started going out with Yoni Dotan whom she has been dating for several months. While marriages and romances in the entertainment industry are often at risk, there are some of the happy ever after variety. Three of the most obvious examples are Gidi and Anat Gov, Sassi Keshet and Yona Elian and Rita and Rami Kleinstein. In all three cases, the couples are together in their professional as well as their private lives - and they're still going strong.
CHANNEL TEN'S weatherman Danny Roup is a man of many talents, a fact exploited by the producers of Channel Ten's The Show, scheduled to air in the first week of March. Built around celebrities from many spheres, The Show will focus on the musical talents of celebrities, bringing to the fore talents that were previously unknown, or conversely, proving that music is not their forte. Several segments of the show had already been taped when Roup unexpectedly chose to bow out.