Celebrity Grapevine

Rumor has it that French President Nicolas Sarkozy and model Carla Bruni will wed in early February.

CARLA BRUNI 88 224 (photo credit: AP Photo/Remy de la Mauviniere)
(photo credit: AP Photo/Remy de la Mauviniere)
NOTWITHSTANDING MEDIA reports that Haim Zisovich is going to lose his position as anchor for Educational Television's Media File, promos for the show continue to herald his name. A veteran broadcaster with a knack for posing penetrating questions in a soft-spoken and polite manner, Zisovich opened a public relations firm after leaving the Israel Broadcasting Authority. He never made a secret of it, and it didn't seem to bother anyone when he was hired to moderate Media File. The show deals primarily with non-commercial issues and features interviews with media personalities about current events. Now, suddenly, someone has remembered that there is a conflict of interests between journalism and public relations. But these days, many PR people write for print media, have spots on television and author blogs on the Internet. So long as Zisovich refrains from introducing anything related to any of his clients on Media File, his defenders say, there is no reason for him to be removed. And if there are news stories about any of his clients that do warrant discussion, he can be replaced on that particular episode. CHANNEL 10 news' CEO and Editor-in-Chief Gilad Adin has hinted that he will be leaving soon, and according to reports in various publications, he may be moving up on the Channel 10 ladder. Adin has reportedly been offered the position of deputy CEO of Channel 10, which means that he would have an impact on all of the station's programming and not just the news. The jury is still out on whether he will accept the offer. PLAYING A leading role in the Israeli soap Our Song seems to have brought good luck to most of the actors. Ninet Tayeb has become an entertainment industry icon, surpassing her significant other, Yehuda Levy. Maya Dagan had some bad luck when her marriage broke up, but professionally she went on to appear in several television and stage shows. Oshri Cohen, who last Friday celebrated his 24th birthday, achieved international fame for his starring role in Beaufort, which won a Silver Bear award at the Berlin Film Festival. And now Tayeb's former significant other, Ran Danker (who also played her significant other in Our Song), will be going to Berlin in February as one of the stars of Amos Kollek's Restless - in which he costars with Moshe Ivgy. The film is one of several Israeli productions that have been chosen for this year's Berlin Film Festival. IT'S SOMEWHAT ironic that while Ninet has cultivated a new image by shearing her tresses, Yehuda Levy has gone in the opposite direction. He has grown his hair long and is sporting a beard, which gives him a more distinguished appearance. ON THE subject of films, a documentary is being made about controversial singer and musician Sharon Holtzman, who was recently in the news for striking a critic who had given him an unfavorable review. That's one way of getting your name in the headlines, but the documentary aims to show other sides of Holtzman. FASHION MODEL and television personality Moran Atias, who has made a very successful career for herself in Italy, may be commuting to Israel more often. While she used to fly home for fashion assignments and family get-togethers, last week she was made a director in the family's business enterprise, so she no doubt will be invited to attend board meetings. THE NAME Attias is also in the news in France, but there it refers to advertising executive Richard Attias, who seems destined to be the third husband of Cecilia Sarkozy. The two had a sizzling affair, which was broken off when Nicolas Sarkozy decided to run for president and Cecilia returned to his side. But after he won the election, he and Cecilia again parted company. The ink on their divorce papers was hardly dry when he took up with singer and fashion model Carla Bruni in a highly publicized romance. Cecilia, who was also once a fashion model, returned to Attias, but not without venomous criticism of her former husband. Rumor has it that Bruni and Sarkozy will wed in early February, after dating for only three months. But that may be because Bruni is reportedly pregnant, according to French and British newspapers; they also mentioned that Bruni was a love child herself. According to Britain's Mail on Sunday and The Daily Mail, Bruni's father, the late Italian tire tycoon Alberto Bruni Tedeschi, was not her biological father. Her real father is millionaire Maurizio Remmert, who conducted a passionate six-year romance with Bruni's mother Marisa when they were both young musicians. She has refused to confirm or deny Remmert's claim to paternity, although in Italy it is supposedly an open secret.