Fran Drescher has been an entertainment industry ally of Clinton's since the New York senator's first term.
By NATHAN BURSTEINFran Drescher 88 224(photo credit: Courtesy)
Campaigning on Shabbat may not be strictly kosher, but that didn't stop Nineties TV star Fran Drescher from endorsing one of the US presidential candidates at synagogue this month. New York Post gossip columnist Cindy Adams reported last week that the star of TV's The Nanny went to synagogue the previous weekend bearing pins tailor-made for the occasion: "Vote for Hillary" printed in Hebrew.
A two-time Golden Globe nominee, Drescher has been an entertainment industry ally of Clinton's since the New York senator's first term. Clinton praised the actress in 2006 for her work promoting cancer screenings, calling Drescher an "outspoken health care advocate" who shares Clinton's "vision for a world with greater health care quality."
Drescher wrote about her own fight against uterine cancer in the 2002 memoir Cancer Schmancer. Her TV series, in which Drescher played a Jewish nanny from Queens, included an episode in which the character accompanied her boss and his children on vacation to the kibbutz where she'd volunteered as a teenager.