
You recently gave a recipe for bread and butter pudding with chocolate. As a true Englishwoman, I feel that you have adulterated a great English dessert

You recently gave a recipe for bread and butter pudding with chocolate. As a true Englishwoman, I feel that you have adulterated a great English dessert. What will you think of next - chicken soup with jam? - Rhoda Lasky, Ra'anana Strange that you should mention that. I have recently found a very easy and tasty recipe for a cold soup: chicken soup with pureed mango. Believe me, every one at my Shabbat lunch table enjoyed it. Now, during the end of summer, when mangoes are still in season, this is a most refreshing cold soup. As several readers have requested an alternative to gazpacho as a cold summer soup, I feel the following recipe should fit the bill. Chicken Soup with Mango and Chicken Meatballs Two liters chicken stock (For the purpose of this soup, it will not be a sin to make the stock out of soup powder. Life's too short to mess about too much. My aim is to present a quick recipe. But for purists, by all means, make your chicken soup.) 4-5 medium-sized mangoes, peeled and sliced 1 can coconut milk Juice of 1 lemon (or lime if available) 2-3 strands lemongrass or 3-4 dried kaffir lime leaves For the meatballs: A half kilo packet minced chicken 1 egg Half to 2/3 cup matza meal Salt and pepper Chopped chives for garnish Put the chicken stock (together with the lemongrass or lime leaves if using) into a large saucepan and bring to a boil, then lower the heat to a simmer. While the stock is heating, mix the minced chicken in a bowl with the matza meal and the egg. Season with salt and pepper. Roll the chicken mix into small sized balls about the size of a large marble. Then add them to the stock, increase the heat and continue to cook till the balls are done, say 5-10 minutes. Place the cut-up mango flesh into a blender together with 3-4 cups of the stock (without any mince balls). Blend till smooth. Remove the soup from the heat and stir in the mango mix and the coconut cream. Mix till all is well blended. If using lemongrass or lime leaves, remove them at this point. Chill and serve with a sprinkling of chopped chives. Add a pinch of coarse black pepper, if desired. Serves six.