Jodi does Jerusalem


A high American official is coming and so Peace Now/Ir Amim/B''tselem/etcetera and et al. or some thereof are in contact the NYTimes reporter of the moment and push a story of building in Jerusalem, sorry: "East Jerusalem".
If you read the story, you''ll know there is a halt on any administrative procedures but the stroy has to go forward because that''s the "narrative".  After all, how can an American President, or Vice-President or Secretary of State come to Jerusalem without the subsequent headline about "construction" happening.
How else can the Israel government be undermined?
How else can our left/progressives sabotage the democratically-elected government except to manipulate and exploit the New York Times?
Among many things, I caught this:-
    About 2,200, according to Mr. Seidemann, are scattered in Palestinian enclaves in and around the Old City — many of them ultra-Orthodox extremists who took it as a religious and political mission to seize individual homes and raise Israeli flags on them. 
a)  what are "ultra-Orthodox extremists"? are they Haredim? National Religious? can "ultra-Orthodox" not be extremists?
b)  "seize individual homes"?  "seize"?  are not all property purchases authorized?  and if not, are there not legal appeals and such taking place?  is it possible that Arabs, like in Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood, were the ones that seized Jewish property, homes Jews were forced to abandon after being expelled and ethnically cleansed from the area in December 1947? 

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And I caught this:-
    Maalot David, a former police compound used by Jordan when it controlled the area from 1948 to 1967 [whose buyers] so far had been religious but not ultra-Othodox families, 
Actually, "illegally occupied".
And didn''t she write that many of these residents were "ultra-Orthodox extremists"?  What happened to the demographic anthropological identity?
This I caught too:-
    Ms. Meir said...She also yearned to be the Mount of Olives, where her husband’s great-grandfather is buried, along with generations of great rabbis. 
So, her family is six-generation Jerusalemites.  That''s a lot of history.  About 100-120 years.  How many of Jerusalem''s current neighborhoods existed back then?  Does it make a difference?  How many Arabs currently in the city can trace back to then - many of the city''s Arab population are those who came from Hebron and Ramallah and villages in-between since 1967 (to make sure they don''t get stuck in "Palestine") and in any case, the city has had an absolute Jewish majority since the 1850s.
What is it that allows Ruderon to fall for the near-"Judaize" line?