Temple Mount Surprise


Here''s the short video clip of contretemps at the Temple Mount (via Rotter):



This type of violence has been building up for months.  I, among others, have been recording all the developments from Temple/Jerusalem Denial, to crazy conspiracy theories of chemicals eating away at Al-Aksa foundations, falling trees due to Jewish excavations, non-existent diggings under the Mount, incitement, threats, police inefficiency, immoral and illegal restrictions, among a long litany of inanities on the part of Israel''s government and other institutions.


The Israeli press has been relatively fair.  The foreign media, and I have perused much, is not seeking the undercurrents, analyzing the propaganda and outlandish claims that would portray all what happens in its correct perspective.  I have even attempted to persuade leading correspondents to be briefed and be prepared.  But no, other items came first.


So, if they are surprised, or ignored the events of this past week especially, they can only blame themselves.
