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It is likely an exhaustive review of the facts would require a complete inversion of the "paradigms that have taken root here for 17 years," per DPM Moshe Ya''alon last spring. The Stabilization Plan put forth by Jerusalem Post editor Caroline Glick could be an appropriate starting point after that, but there is much else to explore between the binary of "two states" is good, status quo is evil.First freeze, then deliberations, finally a reality-based master plan. Consequential steps must not be taken otherwise.The risk of annihilation for Israel conjoined with regional conflagration should be evident by now.Jeff Daube has been the director of the Israel office of the Zionist Organization of America since its inception and his aliya. Previously a pro-Israel advocate on Capitol Hill, Jeff makes the case for a strong and secure Israel on behalf of American citizens living in Israel and their families, friends, colleagues and supporters in the US.