Does ''commemorating'' a specific eventhave the same connotation as ''memorializing'' said event?Do people go too far with regard to sensationalizing certain kinds of TRAGIC occurrences ?Painful , Horrible CALAMITIES....indelibly etched into their souls,,,, regardless of POMP or CIRCUMSTANCE....When does DRAMA warrant its own ''sacred verarcity'' ?
And when is ENOUGH ENOUGH ?Is there a ''statute of limitations'' on pain ?Do we WANT to REMEMBER the details ? Does remembering make it BETTER ?Does remembering PRECLUDE it from RE OCCURRING ?Should we build MONUMENTS as a reminder of the TRAGEDY ? or,,,Are TWO, STOIC BEAMS OF LIGHT so much more POIGNANT and POWERFUL ?Of course, the people who perished should beMEMORIALIZED and CELEBRATED and MOURNED....But...Should the EVENT be treated in the same PROFOUND manner ?Do people simply go TOO FAR ?