She stood frozen...turning a severe shade of purplish-red...How could she have been SO clumsy?Jeeeezzz...She could NOT catch a freakin'' break,And this guy was SO GORGEOUS...
Totally her type...with the long, messy, blond hair...and the rugged, kind of ''marked'' face... and the ABs...OH SERIOUSLY!The ABs!And he CLEARLY had been drawn to her as well... and she was being SO EXTRA COOL...Thanking G-D that she''d taken the time to flat iron her hair!And then that ''ignored,'' little toddler with the mom YACKING on her cell phone...just SHOT in front of her feet...too fast or something...and she FELL forward, stopping herself from landing on the grabbing for the GRAPEFRUITS!WHAT?!And then the ENTIRE, HUGE pile came tumbling all around everyone...hitting the toddler on the head!hitting the neglectful mom''s cell phone right out of her hand! LOLAND make matters WORSE...the store alarm starting going off!and it was SO LOUD!and everyone started running...And "ABs guy" just up and disappeared into the crowd...and she just stood there...FROZEN...She drove home, annoyed and embarrassed...And here''s what she found on her front doorstep...There was a CRATE of GRAPEFRUITS with a PINK rose set on top of it...with a note saying,"You lit up that place"..."I''ll pick you up tomorrow night at 7"signed..."The guy in the supermarket"