What are resolutions? What purpose do they serve? Can a JEW honor the SECULAR NEW YEAR?How can we improve 2011 in comparison to 2010? Will OBAMA magically resign? LOL, I can HOPE!Will we be KINDER? GENTLER? MORE PEACEFUL? Will we allow for our children''s follies with, perhaps, a bit more TOLERANCE and LOVE? DO PEOPLE EVER REALLY COMMIT TO THEIR PROCLAMATIONS AND RESOLUTIONS? OR ARE THESE CONCEPTS AND LOFTY ASPIRATIONS SIMPLY PUT INTO ''PLAY'' IN ORDER TO TAKE THE BOREDOM AND DRUDGERY OUT OF OUR EVERYDAY EXISTENCES?What will the year bring with it? I''ve heard tell that there is an ORACLE seated at the top of ''HAR HATZOFIM'' who can MANIFEST and SHAPE your whims, desires, goals and dreams in order to LOCK DOWN that which you PINE FOR.They say that he is VERY LARGE. That his hands are HUGE and SOFT. And that his skin GLOWS even from afar. That he holds a CHUMASH (bible) in these huge hands at all times. And that his aura, somehow, creates a kind of ''safety net'' for those who come within 6 feet of his countenance.Perhaps... we should pay him a visit!It would appear that 2011 is ''looking up'' already!