Serach, teach us pleaseyour therapy of harmony- that exquisit technique
that you work with your speechreveal to us, ancient sisteryour mesmeric tincture of lyric and meter and mix us well a word elixir to soothe the wounds ofinjured listenersjust the wayyou sung your wayand stood in the wayof the heart-halting paradeof gold-laden wagonscome to stun an old mantoo fast from his depressionfor even despair can bea precious thingto those who cling to painas if it were a love letterto the ones they''ve lostbut you with your harpunraveled that knott''edyarn of a lie from Jacob''sbeguiled mind- as you masterfully appliedthe cautious remedyof a child''s rhymeplucked hope backinto a ruptured heartand strummed himthrough the sting and stunof lossSuddenly reversedthrough your verse- with the touch of a songFor is not the crowning goalof creative endeavorto heal the bereavedand herald in a better reality?So teach us more-loudly yourchemistry of compositionto make whats writtenglisten from the pageto release vastrepositories of painto make space forthe joyful reception of miraclesof salvation and spiritualaccumulationlike wagons laden with bread and corn,and a child rebornin the midst of a famineand a lie overturnedand a family re-fashionedSo teach us Serachyour timeless talentof healing hearts with harpsand the ancient art of rhymeand let it startwith these faltering lines- a prayerfor the gentle unravelingof our lies