In one other SCICC (South California Israel Chamber of Commerce) and Elite Entrepreneurs Organization fabulously productive gathering I was again introduced to visiting Israeli Start Up companies. The magic term ‘start-up’ that has brought billions of dollars into Israel’s economy and much pride. Israel is now known around the world as ‘the start-up nation’.
Several years ago the Merage Foundation in Orange Country, Southern California, has taken upon itself to bring Israeli startup companies’ CEOs to their offices and train them in the way business is conducted in the USA, introduce them to business opportunities, investments in their company and possible finding partnership.
This is how, last week, I met Ran Nachmias, residing in the central Israel, who is the Founder, CEO and Self Investor of Master Trainer Fitness Management Marketing. App.
Master Trainer Fitness Management Marketing. App. logo
The idea of fitness management ran in Ran’s head for several years but he formed his company only several months ago. Ran, an expert in marketing forecast and a serial private entrepreneur, with experience in construction and remodeling, night life scene, private trainer, fitness and clubs, working with the largest Israeli companies, saw that busy people always need and be happy to receive value added to their life.
With the Master-Trainer application, business owners’ users will be able to automate and simplify the way they manage and market their business with a unique and exclusive algorism. They will be able to do much of their marketing on Facebook and even bring a greater client’s traffic to their business. Master-Trainer also helps manage the business with a payments’ log reminder, what allows a trainer or a business owner to increase income with much more efficiency and the luxury of more free time.
With $427 million private business niche, Master Trainer Fitness Management has a broad business opportunity install for its ingenious marketing method.
What Ran and Master Trainer Fitness Management are seeking is a strategic marketing partner among the digital marketing companies with possibly to partner with an American fitness chain.