Amidror: Disagreements with US are 'between good friends'

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu felt much more encouraged after his meeting with US President Barack Obama on Friday than when he walked in, National Security Advisor Ya'akov Amidror said on Sunday.
Speaking in interviews with both Israel Radio and Army Radio, Amidror said he believes the conversation between the two leaders was "very important for clarifying issues between them. I think he felt much better because things that weren't entirely clear in Obama's speech were clarified during their conversation."
The recently-appointed national security advisor said that although Netanyahu was "disappointed" by Obama's reference to 1967 lines in his Middle East policy speech on Thursday, "my feeling is that the media stories were blown out of proportion."
"It would be a mistake to return to 1967 borders," Amidror added, "Too many Jewish Israelis are located on the other side of [those] lines."