Arab educators threaten civil disobedience if 'Nakba' dropped from books

Arab educators expressed outrage Monday at Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar's intension to remove the phrase Nakba from textbooks in the Arab education system, and threatened civil disobedience if the ministry follows through on its decision, as well as others in the same vein. "In the past five months since its formation, the government, along with the Education Ministry, has announced a number of dangerous decisions," the head of the Follow-up Committee on Arab Education in Israel said at a press conference. "Such as a prohibition to commemorate the Nakba of the Arab people in schools, the changing of road signs, forcing the singing of the 'Tikva' national anthem at schools and setting the promotion of military service or national service as a criterion for rewarding schools and staff." "We reject these decisions outright," Atef Moaddi said. "And we stress that if an attempt is made to carry them out in Arab schools - the response will be refusal and civil disobedience."