AG considering trying former MK Abir Kara for double voting

The State Attorney's Office informed former MK Abir Kara on Wednesday that Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara is considering trying him, subject to a hearing, on suspicion of forgery, fraud, and breach of trust for double voting in a Knesset vote.

During a vote on a reservation to the National Insurance Law in July 2021, Kara is suspected of voting on his own voting screen then leaning over to the seat of MK Idit Silman and voting on her voting screen as well.

After being warned that he needed to report the incident to the Knesset Speaker, he did so. At the time, Kara said he voted from the wrong computer “out of instinct and by mistake.”

The investigation was conducted by the Lahav 433 unit of Israel Police and is being handled by the economic department of the State Attorney's Office.