Liberman accuses Abbas of trying to interfere in elections

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is interfering with Israel elections, said Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman in an interview with Army Radio on Sunday morning.
Liberman's comments came in response to an interview Abbas gave to Channel 2, that was aired over the weekend.
Abbas told Channel 2 on Thursday that he did not want to return to his birthplace of Safed and that a Palestinian state would be established only within the pre-1967 lines. Abbas also said that as long as he is in power there will not be another intifada.
"Abbas is interfering, to the benefit of the Left, [Labor leader] Shelly Yacimovich and [Meretz leader Zehava Gal-On], who represent Palestinian interests in Israel," Liberman asserted.
The foreign minister also purported that Abbas does not say the same thing in English and in Arabic. "The attempt to lie to ourselves amazes me every time ," he remarked. Liberman referred to the prisoner swap for former IDF soldier Gilad Schalit, saying that in Arabic, Abbas labelled as heroes, terrorists who had murdered Jews in cold blood.