Man suspected of incitement video apologizes to Shai Nitzan

The Petah Tikva Magistrate's Court on Wednesday afternoon extended the remand of Uri Baram, suspected of distributing a video which call for the murder of deputy state prosecutor Shai Nitzan.
Baram arrived at the court and broke into tears, saying: "I express complete regret. I am ashamed of what I did, I want to apologize from Shai Nitzan, I did not mean for this to happen. It was a mistake and all I wanted to do was raise public awareness on incitement. I understand that you do not fight violence with violence."
Baram added that he takes full responsibility for the video, and apologized to Shai Nitzan and Ehud Barak.
During his interrogation, Baram said he acted alone, and that he was working as a coordinator for the National Union party, and that he was in contact with Knesset members. However, officials from National Union denied Baram worked for the party.
The prosecution demanded that the court extend Baram's detention for 10 days.