Matthew Gould: Israel, UK are scientific superpowers

Israel and Britain are both "scientific superpowers" and should strengthen their cooperation in this field, British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould said Tuesday morning.
As the first UK-Israel Regenerative Medicine Conference kicked off at the Negev's Ben-Gurion University, Gould said that he was "incredibly proud" that there were 60 British scientists present from 20 universities.
The ambassador opined that a "strong partnership between British and Israeli scientists could serve as an overall model for the UK-Israel bilateral relationship. “
Speaking of the special niches that both the UK and Israel have in the world of science he said: "both countries have disproportionate numbers of the world’s top universities, we both have disproportionate numbers of Nobel prize winners, we’ve both got amazing labs doing extraordinary things at the cutting edge of almost every field. But in my eyes, there isn’t the level of collaboration between British and Israeli scientists that there could be."