Soldier's mother to be honored at Independence Day ceremony

The mother of the soldier who was killed last week when a light rigging collapsed during rehearsals for the Independence Day ceremony at Mount Herzl has been invited to light a torch at the ceremony, a family  representative announced on Monday. “The family welcomes the decision to have the ceremony continue as planned – this is what Hila would have wanted,” the family of First Srgt. Hila Bezaleli said in a statement.
Family friend Bar Sitton noted that Mount Herzl was like a “second home” to Hila Bezaleli, whose mother Sigalit has worked for 16 years in the administration of the site. He added that it was tragically symbolic for Sigalit Bezaleli to be honored at the very place where Hila lost her life and where she is buried. Sitton said that Sigalit Bezaleli is dedicating her torch to halting the “Israeli culture of carelessness.”
Police believe that a “long chain of negligence” contributed to the collapse of the structure last week, and have arrested five people involved with the lighting fixture, including the two owners of the Itzuv Bama company that built the structure, an engineer, a security consultant, and the director of the ceremony. One of the owners was released without a trial and the other suspects will come before the Jerusalem Magistrate Court on Monday afternoon for a remand trial.