Yechimovich derides PM's 'dizzying' economic decisions

Labor leader Shelly Yechimovich on Friday derided Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for his spat of recent "contradictory" economic policy announcements.
"You could get dizzy from all of Netanyahu's contradictory economic decisions in the last three days," Yechimovich said.
"One day he's lobbing a tax on the rich, the next day he cancels it. One day he levies a VAT [Value Added Tax] and condemns income tax with all his might, and the next he levies an income tax. One day he says there are no free lunches and the next he tries to placate the public and say families will have more money after the cuts," the former opposition leader continued.
The cabinet is expected to pass a package of tax increases and spending cuts, which Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer evaluated as "very responsible conduct," on Monday.