Introducing the smart device that will encourage your animals to drink

Xiaomi's smart drinking device for animals keeps water fresh and tasty.

 A dog by her water bowl. (photo credit: Hippopx)
A dog by her water bowl.
(photo credit: Hippopx)

As a person who shares his home, property and body with a pet, in my case a cat, I know that one of the most important issues in their care is the issue of food, with an emphasis on proper drinking. With cats, it's not always easy to convince them to drink, especially when they prefer fresh water, and some prefer it flowing.

Xiaomi's smart pet drinker solves two main problems. It creates a circulating water fountain that ensures that the water remains fresh and tasty, and pets seeing the water move will be curious which will encourage them to drink.

The small device connects to a nearby power source and is very quiet during operation. All you have to do is fill the water tank and let it do the work. 

What pets is the device aimed at?

The device was scientifically designed and engineered to be used by small and medium-sized cats and dogs (shoulder height up to 40 cm) and can hold 2 liters of oxygen-rich water, which is enough for four to seven days.

The device is connected to the Mi Home app which sends a warning when you need to fill it with water, clean the tank and replace the filter. Also, you can choose between two water flow modes: continuous flow 24/7 or scheduled flows for day and night. 

 Titania the cat drinking from her water bowl. (credit: NOAH DILLER-SCHATZ)
Titania the cat drinking from her water bowl. (credit: NOAH DILLER-SCHATZ)

When the amount of water in the tank drops below the required level, a reminder will appear on the app and a red light will show on the device's water meter. Lifting the tank lid stops the device so you can fill it with water or clean the tank.

This smart pet device costs NIS 349.