Watergen partners with STMicroelectronics in effort to lower water usage

STMicroelectronics is hoping to reduce the company’s water consumption by 20% by 2025, thereby taking the industry lead in social and environmental responsibility. 

left to right: Pascal Roquet, Corporate & Health Director of STMicroelectronics and Steve Elbaz, VP Mobility at Watergen (photo credit: WATERGEN)
left to right: Pascal Roquet, Corporate & Health Director of STMicroelectronics and Steve Elbaz, VP Mobility at Watergen
(photo credit: WATERGEN)

Global semiconductor giant STMicroelectronics (ST) announced that it will partner with Israeli firm Watergen in an effort to lower the company’s water usage at its manufacturing centers. ST is hoping to reduce the company’s water consumption by 20% by 2025, thereby taking the industry lead in social and environmental responsibility.

While many international companies acknowledge the problem and aim to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, most have failed to execute the ambitious plan and, as a result, have been heavily criticized by the UN commission.

Last month, the two companies discussed a future collaboration for drinking water solutions for ST sites and production lines on World Water Day. More than 11,000 ST employees were introduced virtually to Watergen’s technology, while senior managers and staff who were present in-person enjoyed drinking water from Watergen’s GEN-M Pro device.

Watergen founder and CEO Dr. Michael Mirilashvili said, “Watergen truly believes that implementing ESG – environmental, social, and governance – should be easy, accessible and available to any organization looking to make the world a better place. It is our mission to assist companies in fulfilling their sustainability goals in the easiest way possible.”

Watergen operates on five continents, providing fresh, mineralized water from the air. The company partners with corporations and institutions that are dedicated to environmental sustainability, preservation and global equality.

ST corporate environment and health director Pascal Roquet said, “Both companies share the same DNA of innovation and passion for sustainability. Combining a virtual presentation of Watergen’s innovative solutions with a live, fresh and very cool demonstration... was much appreciated by our employees.”

Mirilashvili believes that clean drinking water is an essential human right. “Watergen’s mission is providing clean, safe drinking water to all people around the world,” he said.