Wounded soldiers, Soroka medical staffers raise money to expand emergency, trauma department
During the 50-day war with Gaza, Soroka treated most of the wounded IDF soldiers; a total of 1,263 civilian and military wounded were treated.
By JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICHUpdated: JUNE 22, 2015 02:15
Soldiers wounded in Operation Protective Edge and the Soroka University Medical Center teams that treated them had an emotional encounter at Kibbutz Mishmar Hanegev on Sunday. Proceeds from the Friends of Soroka event will go to expand and upgrade the emergency and trauma center at the Beersheba hospital.The department of emergency medicine and trauma is the largest and most active of its kind in the country and serves a catchment area from Kiryat Gat to Eilat – road accident victims, the sick, soldiers, hikers and patients transferred to the tertiary hospital from smaller institutions.Every year, it handles more than 200,000 patients.The department has 60 beds and is divided among internal medicine, surgical, orthopedics, ambulatory, ear-nose-andthroat, ophthalmology and trauma emergency units.During the 50-day war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Soroka treated most of the wounded soldiers. A total of 1,263 civilian and military wounded were treated. Fifty-three of the 777 soldiers were seriously wounded, and 40 arrived in moderate condition.Because of the natural growth and aging of the population, the hospital has a master plan to expand the department so it can meet the future needs of the population.Deputy Health Minister Ya’acov Litzman, Clalit Health Services director-general Eli Depes, Beersheba Mayor Ruvik Danilovich and others were guests of honor. Rami Kleinstein and Pablo Rosenberg were among the performers at the star-studded evening, and some of the soldiers who recovered from their wounds attended.