Zionism and the Biology of Judaism is the subject of a lecture in Hebrew by Professor Raphael Pelek.
WHAT GOES into the Health Basket is a very contentious subject in Israel. People with life threatening illnesses and their families are sometimes unable to comprehend why certain very expensive medications are approved while others are not. For the people who are unable to receive subsidized medications, this is tantamount to a death sentence. The subject will be discussed among others of vital interest at a conference on The Right to Health Services in Israel -the Topography of Legal Borders, to be held at 4 p.m. at Netanya Academic College, 1 University Street, Kiryat Yitzhak Rabin.
AN INTERNATIONAL two-day conference on The Political Economy of Monetary Anchors will be hosted by The Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations commencing at 10.30 a.m. in Room 501 of the Maiersdorf Faculty Club at the Hebrew University Mount Scopus.. Sessions will deal with Central Banks and the Making of Monetary Policy; Do You trust Your Government's Money? Monetary Anchors and the Formation of Expectations and Confidence; Historical Lessons of Monetary Anchors. Most of the speakers are academics from Israeli, European, American and South Pacific Universities. Among the few exceptions is Radovan Jelasic, Governor of the Bank of Serbia, who will present his country's case in economic terms. For further details, call: 02-588 2312
ZIONISM AND the Biology of Judaism is the subject of a lecture in Hebrew by Prof. Raphael Pelek; 5 p.m. at the Wise Auditorium, Edmond J. Safra campus at Givat Ram; One of the "Why?" series of lectures and musical programs sponsored by the Hebrew University Authority for Community and Youth. No admission charge. For further details, call: 02-6586256.
THE JERUSALEM Institute for Market Studies (JIMS) will host Dr. Yevgeny Volk, the head of the Heritage Foundation's Moscow Office at 6:00 p.m. at JIMS' office on Rehov Itzhak Elhanan 2, Jerusalem (next to the Inbal Hotel). Dr. Volk will speak about the current economic system in Russia and its future prospects. Admission is free. RSVP to Avi Hein at avi.hein@jims-israel.org
Monday, May 26
INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED prize winning author Amos Oz, Professor in the Department of Hebrew Literature at Ben Gurion University will be the keynote speaker at the Opening Plenary Session of BGU's 38th Board of Governors Meeting at 9.30 a.m. He will talk about Israel at 60. Other speakers will be Roy J. Zuckerberg, Chairman of the Board;Prof. Rivka Carmi, President of BGU and Prof. Jimmy Weinblatt, Rector. Beersheba Mayor Yaakov Terner will greet participants.
INFO-MIISHKENOT, at its next foreign press encounter with leading Israeli newsmakers and experts, will host Yigal Carmon, President and founder of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). Yigal Carmon is a reserve colonel in the IDF Intelligence Corps who participated in peace negotiations with Syria in Madrid and Washington in 1991. He has served as a senior staff member at Israel's National Defense College (1983-1987) and an Advisor on Counterterrorism to PMs Shamir and Rabin (1988-1993). He founded the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) in 1998. He will discuss : Iran-Syria-Lebanon-Israel: Latest Developments. The event begins at 11.30 a.m. in the Djanogly Hall, Mishkenot. For further details contact: Mishkenot Sha'ananim, Yemin Moshe, Jerusalem, The Konrad Adenauer Conference Center. E-mail: info-mishkenot@mishkenot.org.il, Tel: 02-629-2215
Tuesday, May 27
ILSI-BIOMED 2008, an international three-day convention will host world renowned experts, academic luminaries, Israeli companies and an exhibition encompassing the hottest, most recent medical innovations, at the David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel Aviv. Israel's 60th anniversary celebrations have provided ILSI-Biomed with an opportunity to spotlight 70 of the most advanced Israeli startup companies. Biomed week is projected to attract more than 6,000 CEOs and senior professionals from Medical Device and Bio-Pharma companies, scientists and researchers, venture capitalists, and angel investors from Israel and abroad.
The conference agenda highlights the opportunities and challenges faced by the world's healthcare industry, regulatory aspects and reimbursement issues worldwide, emerging trends and new therapies. The conference will provide a great platform for networking and one-on-one meetings.
Two parallel events will be held that same week: The second International Stem Cell Meeting, and ISRACAS 2008, the 11th Israel symposium on computer-aided surgery, medical robotics and medical imaging.
Co-Chairpersons of the organizing committee are: Ruti Alon, general partner at Pitango Venture Capital and chairperson of ILSI (Israel Life Science Industry), which she founded in 2005, and Israel Makov, former President and CEO of TEVA, one of Israel's prominent business leaders and a pioneer in the Israeli Biotechnology industry, today serving as Chairman at Given Imaging, a leading medical equipment developer.
For further information, visit the "ILSI-Biomed Israel" site: http://www.kenes.com/biomed
INTERNATIONAL EFFORTS to resolve local and global conflicts will be the subject of a conference to be held at the Institute for National Security Studies, 40 Haim Levanon Street, Ramat Aviv, from 2 p.m. Among the speakers will be Saeb Erakat, Chief Palestinian negotiator, Daniel Kurtzer, former US ambassador to Israel, Itamar Rabinovich, former Israel ambassador to the US, Zvi Shtauber, former Israeli ambassador to the UK, Ron Pundak, who was one of the architects of the Oslo Accords, and several other distinguished personalities from around the globe. For further details call: 03-640-5631 or E-mail: eyalscha@post.tau.ac.il
Wednesday, May 28
SOCIAL POLICY, vision and reality, work, income and the reduction of the social gap is the subject of a two-day conference under the auspices of the Taub Center, to be held at the Bible Lands Museum from 9 a.m. For details call 02-567 1818.
THE SCHNEIDER Children's Medical Center will host a symposium on Raising Children - Innovations in the Field, from 8.30 a.m. in the auditorium of the Felsenstein R&D Center at Schneider Hospital.
AACI, IN association with Anglo Capital Limited invites Canadians living in Israel to two Financial Planning Seminars. Martin Stern from CIBC Wood Gundy in Toronto and Philip Braude of Anglo Capital Limited in Israel will speak about international investment strategies, Israeli tax issues, and recent changes in the law concerning RRSPs and their implications for Canadian expatriates. The Seminars will take place at 8.00pm on Wednesday May 28th in Jerusalem and Thursday May 29th in Ramat Bet Shemesh. To reserve your place at one of these seminars, please call AACI on 02-561-7151 or email dsiegel@anglocapital.com.
WHITHER AMERICAN Zionism? This is the question posed to an international two-day conference taking place under the auspices of the BESA Center at Bar Ilan University. The conference will focus on symbioses in the relationships between American Jewry and Israel; on the contribution of American Zionism to the history of the development of the Jewish State; and on the impact that Israeli politics and security have on American Jewry, Israel-US relations and Israel-Diaspora relations. Co-sponsored by BIU's Argov Center for the Study of the Jewish People, and the Dorothy and Harold Greenwald Foundation, the conference at BIU's Wohl Conference Center is open to the public and will feature a large number of speakers, mainly American expats, active in politically oriented organizations and think tanks in Israel. Among the visiting speakers will be one of the most veteran Zionists living today, Antwerp born Jacques Torczyner, who has been living in the US since 1940, and has been a delegate to World Zionist Congresses since 1946. The final session of the conference will deal with American Jewry and the 2008 US elections.
THE FIRST of a series of meetings on Water in Israel - Public Discussions. This first session at 10.15 a.m. will deal with "The Quality of Tap Water in Israel" and will be held in the Ariowitz Auditorium, the Faculty of Agricultural, Food & Environmental Quality Sciences in the Hebrew University's Rehovot campus. Speakers include the Deputy Director of the Health Ministry, the Deputy Director of the Mekorot company and the Director of the Water Authority. Entrance fee. Registration required. For further details, E-mail: waterhorizons@gmail.com
ETHICS IN Research; is the subject of a two-day conference to be conducted in Hebrew from 8.15 a.m.,at the Konrad Adenauer Conference Center, Mishkenot Shaananim, Jerusalem; under the auspices of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Jerusalem Center for Ethics. Entrance fee. For further details, call: 02-629 2218, or e-mail: ahuva@mishkenot.org.il
Thursday, May 29
FORMER STATE comptroller Dr. Yaron Zelicher will be among the speakers at a conference on business research, targeted at young people just entering the business world. The conference will be held at Netanya Academic College. For details call: Amikam Shapira 052-245-3600.
A SEMINAR in English on Women's Status, Men's States; will be conducted by Prof. Catherine MacKinnon at 5 p.m. at the Ezequiel Liwerant-Fomento Mexico Hall on Mount Scopus campus; under the auspices of the Minerva Center for Human Rights and the Faculty of Law. For further details, call: 02-588 1056, E-mail: law-conferences@savion.huji.ac.il
WHAT IS believed to the first international conference on "Butterflies of the Middle East" will begin at 8 a.m.; in Hall 8, Levine Building; Edmond J. Safra campus at Givat Ram, Jerusalem; under the auspices of the Friends Association of Butterflies in Israel and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Speakers include the Minister for the Quality of the Environment Gideon Ezra and leading researchers from Holland, Germany, Cyprus and China. For further details, call: 08-929 7700, E-mail: dubi_ben@netvision.net.il
THE 60TH anniversary of the recognition of the State of Israel by US President Harry S. Truman and the 40th anniversary of the Truman Institute will be celebrated at an international Academic Conference on Harry S. Truman, the State of Israel and the Quest for Peace in the Middle East. Among the speakers will be Ambassador William A. Brown, a former US ambassador to Israel. The conference will be held in the Handler Auditorium of the Truman Center on the Hebrew University Campus Mount Scopus.
Sunday, June 1
MASHAV, THE Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs Center for International Cooperation will host an international conference on Israel and the African Green Revolution with the participation of Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni.