Yuli Edelstein calls on Christian MPs to lobby against Iran deal

"This is the road to hell," the MK said of the Iranian nuclear deal.

 MK Yuli Edelstein in Atarot on March 20, 2022 (photo credit: AVI HAYUN)
MK Yuli Edelstein in Atarot on March 20, 2022
(photo credit: AVI HAYUN)

MK Yuli Edelstein (Likud) called on a group of Christian parliamentarians to lobby their governments against the Iran nuclear deal during an event of the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF) on Sunday.

“We cannot afford the situation when the regime in Tehran will have weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons,” Edelstein said during a visit to Atarot with around 20 parliamentarians from around the world – Christian supporters of Israel. “This is a message that I would love very much for you to take to your countries.”

The visit was arranged by the IAF, which coordinates a network of more than 50 Israel Allies caucuses worldwide, including the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, the Congressional Israel Allies Caucus, and caucuses in Europe, Latin America, Australia and Africa. Around 20 caucus chairs are on the foundations’ Chairman’s Conference mission this week, which runs from March 20 to 23.

Edelstein called the MPs “real friends” and “not friends that on the one hand say they support you, and on the other hand, are right now sitting in Vienna, a nice city in Europe and the capital of Austria, discussing the best way to supply nuclear weapons to the ayatollah regime in Iran as quickly and smoothly as possible.”

He said that “for many years we managed to prevent the crazy regime in Tehran from putting their hands on nukes and we will continue to do so, whatever it takes. I sincerely hope the international community understands this is not the road to nowhere, this is the road to hell.”

Washington has said in recent days that it was close to striking a deal with Iran to restore the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), otherwise known as the Iranian nuclear deal. The deal was origianlly signed under former US President Barack Obama, despite strong opposition by Israel. Former US President Donald Trump withdrew from the deal in 2018.

Edelstein made his remarks after receiving a signed declaration by MPs from 20 countries including Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Macedonia, Slovakia, Sweden, Uruguay and Venezuela that stated, “We support the sovereign right of the State of Israel to build in its indivisible capital of Jerusalem."

The days-long mission takes the travelers throughout Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and includes discussions with the Jerusalem Minister Ze’ev Elkin, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.