Christian pilgrims from around the world returned to the Holy Land for Catholic and Orthodox Easter celebrations this month. They visited the churches of the Holy Sepluchre and Gethsemane, as well as other smaller establishments throughout the Old City, Israel and the Palestinian territories.
In a video shared by the Christian Media Center, several pilgrims expressed their feelings about a return to the Holy Land.
“It was a great joy,” said Wilma and Andrea Pari of Italy. “I get emotional … because we missed this land. It’s very nice to come here.”
The Commissioner of the Holy Land - Portugal, Victor Rafael, told how he had not been in Israel for two years because of the pandemic.
“Thank God, we are starting to come back again with groups and we hope to continue,” he said. “The experience of coming and the experience of welcoming Christians is fundamental so that the Church can continue to survive here, in this union between Christians from all over the world, in this case between Portugal and the Holy Land.”
Another pilgrim described the visit as a “joy” and said that it “purifies the soul.”
Watch the full account: