International crowdfunding campaign to build Third Temple raises over $100,000
Temple Institute says 900 donors from 30 countries donated to 60-day campaign.
By DANIEL K. EISENBUDA computer-generated rendition of the Third Temple
A 60-day international crowdfunding campaign to finance the construction of a modern Third Temple on the Temple Mount garnered $105,000 worth of donations from over 900 donors around the globe by Rosh Hashana, the Temple Institute said Sunday.According to a statement from the right-wing organization – dedicated to educating world Jewry about the centrality of the Temple Mount to Jewish life and “recreating every aspect of the Holy Temple” – its crowdfunding campaign received the donations from 30 countries.“The funds raised from the campaign will be used to continue the research of the Institute and to commission additional architectural plans,” the statement said. “The architects will fuse Jewish law with modern technology to prepare for a fully modern Third Temple, Kosher to the letter of the law...”Featuring a website with a three-minute promotional video depicting a digital incarnation of the planned Third Temple, the institute said the site was viewed by over 160,000 people and received over 10,000 shares on Facebook.Rabbi Chaim Richman, the international director of the institute, said the organization utilized the crowdfunding campaign after initially finding success with YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.“We are constantly looking for ways to include as many people as possible in our mission to rebuild the Holy Temple,” said Richman. “This is not about one group or organization – it’s about bringing about a spiritual reunification of mankind. Today, with the help of the Internet, our message is resonating across the globe.”Richman said the Temple Institute’s plan to design, fund and build a new temple began three years ago.