Jason Alexander is "best-known face" of One Voice mission; "I'm happy to be their face, but listen to their voice," he says.
By LAHAV HARKOVJason Alexander 311(photo credit: REUTERS)Seinfeld star Jason Alexander visited the Knesset Caucus on Monday to promote the Two-State Solution and Separation Between Israel and the Palestinians campaigns with a 30-member delegation from the “One Voice” movement.Alexander said that humor does not have a place in the peace process, “because someone is always going to be offended.” The actor said it is important to empower moderates in the Knesset and the Palestinian Authority, who have a “bad rap because they seem to be tepid. When moderates become passionate, extraordinary things happen.”"I am the best-known face of a group of 30 people who came to be a part of the One Voice mission. Our group covers education, finance, all different topics. I'm happy to be their face but to listen to their voice," he said.Tal from One Voice said that the organization has been working for years now under the assumption that people matter and can create a change. "We are working wherever our voice can resonate, light a new fire to highlight the bigger issue that we’re all facing," he said. "Big decisions are made here, but only with the power of the people."RELATED:'Seinfeld' star to address peace talks at Knesset parleyLabor MK Isaac Herzog, speaking at the meeting said "We believe that the two-state formula is the only one that is both viable and fosters the well-being of the state of Israel. If you open today’s papers in Israel, there are articles saying 'it’s over, let’s have a one-state solution.' It’s crazy, it’s the end of Zionism. We are here to support a two-state solution that most Israelis support, but which implemented because of politics.""If I was pro-settlement, why would I be pushing into those areas?" Jason asked."It’s the biblical land" Labor MK Ben-Simon replied.Fellow party- member Avishay Braverman added "in the bible, our forefathers lived in the mountains and the philistines lived on the shore. Today there’s a swap – most of the Jews are on the shore and the Palestinians in the mountains."