'Don't let those "peace activists" leave Gaza without taking Gilad Schalit with them!'

hot potato 224 (photo credit: )
hot potato 224
(photo credit: )
This is your chance to voice your opinion. We've chosen a controversial / interesting entry that appeared on our site (talkback, blog, etc...) and we want to know what you have to say about it. TODAY'S HOT POTATO: Taken from article: 'Gaza blockade in place despite ships' Talkback #: 243 Talkbacker: Kockodan - Germany Text: The best idea in all comments was to not let those "peace activists" leave Gaza without taking Schalit with them ! Start yelling it publicly immediately, and keep repeating it over and over! 'You can leave only with Schalit, only with him. Your Hamas friends will surely do you a favor.' What do you think? The ball is in your court now. Click here to respond Previous Hot Potatos